Bibliography of references to Arnold Mindell’s process oriented psychology (Processwork), worldwork, and deep democracy
Prepared on behalf of the International Association of Process Oriented Psychology, the Process Work Institute and the Deep Democracy Institute, June 2014. UPDATED APRIL 2015
See also our listings of Books and Dissertations and Theses and the Archive of the Journal of Process Oriented Psychology.
Comprehensive selection of published articles and interviews that reference Arnold Mindell’s process oriented psychology, deep democracy and related concepts.
Abledo, Y. (2013). Rank, Identity and Slavery: Insights from Process Work (Interview with Jan Dworkin). Breathing Forgiveness: Conflict Transformation in the here and now. Anti-Slavery Campaign Interview Series.
Ammann, P. (2012). Reaching out to People in Comatose States: Contact and Communication (Kindle., p. 160). Books on Demand. doi:ASIN: B0074IH95U
Arye, L., & Ostrowski, M. (2013). Interview with Lane Arye on war trauma and Polish-Jewish relations (Broadcast, May 30, 2013). Warsaw: Radio PIN.
Audergon, A. (2004). Collective trauma: the nightmare of history. Psychotherapy and Politics International, 2(1), 16–31.
Audergon, A. (2005). The War Hotel: Psychological Dynamics in Violent Conflict. London and Philadelphia: Whurr Publishers.
Audergon, A. (2006). Hot Spots: Post-conflict trauma and transformation. Critical Half: Biannual Journal of Women for Women International, 4(1), 41–44.
Audergon, A. (2008). Daring to Dream. In B. Hart (Ed.), Peacebuilding In Traumatized Societies (pp. 261–276). University Press of America.
Audergon, A., & Arye, L. (2005). Transforming conflict into community: post-war reconciliation in Croatia. Psychotherapy and Politics International, 3(2), 112–121. doi:10.1002/ppi.24
Audergon, J.-C. (2005). The body in Process Work. In N. Totton (Ed.), New Dimensions in Body Psychotherapy (pp. 153–167). London: Open University Press/McGraw-Hill.
Baker, L. (2011). Process oriented ethical awareness: A therapist’s guide to dreaming, power and rank. In World Dreaming: World Congress for Psychotherapy (24-28 August). Sydney, Australia: The World Council for Psychotherapy and Psychevisual.
Bedrick, D. (2013). Talking Back to Dr. Phil: Alternatives to Mainstream Psychology. Sante Fe, NM: Belly Song Press.
Berson, M. (2003, October 17). “Hanging Man” dangles between life and death. Seattle Times, The, p. H48. Seattle, WA.
Bianchi, G. (1997). Training in Skills for Coping with Democracy. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 552(1), 114–124. doi:10.1177/0002716297552001011
Bodian, S. (1990). Field of dreams: An interview with Arnold Mindell. Yoga Journal.
Book review: Working On Yourself Alone. (1991). Australian Journal of Psychology, 43(3), 163–170. doi:10.1080/00049539108260142
Borst, N. Van. (2012). Review of Arnold Mindell’s Dreambody. Retrieved from
Bradshaw, J. (1996). Bradshaw on the family: a new way of creating solid self-esteem (Revised.). Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications.
Bressen, T. (2004). Working on Your Issues with someone (whether or not they join in). Communities, (Number 124 (Fall)).
Britt, S. (2011, November 3). Turning conflict into compassion. Gloucester Daily Times (MA).
Britt, S. (2012, July 2). My View: Conflict resolution starts at home. Gloucester Daily Times (MA), p. Opinion.
Brockman, H. (2008). Dynamic Energetic Healing: Integrating Core Shamanic Practices With Energy Psychology Applications And Processwork Principles (Paperback.). Salem, OR: Columbia Press LLC.
Brown, S., & Mindell, A. (1996). In the Fire of Worldwork: Sitting in fear is the key to resolving conflict (Interview). Caduceus, (33 Autumn). Listed at
Brown, V. A., & Harris, J. A. (2014). The human capacity for transformational change: harnessing the collective mind. London and New York: Routledge.
Burkett, E. (2001, October 9). Group aims to make city more aware of persistent racism – WORKSHOP: Guest speaker will explain how to manage differences. Anchorage Daily News (AK), p. D1.
Burnet, A. (1999, April 17). Preview Landscape of the mind. The Scotsman, p. News: p17. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Business Cockpit with Max and Ellen Schupbach: The Times of Elders [Russian]. (2012, June). Strategy Magazine.
Camastral, S. (2008). No Small Change: Process-Oriented Play Therapy For Children of Separating Parents. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 29(2), 100–106. doi:10.1375/anft.29.2.100
Castro, S. (1996). Hypocrisy and dissent within the Findhorn Foundation : towards a sociology of a New Age community. Forres: New Media Books.
Chodorow, J. (1991). Dance Therapy and Depth Psychology: The Moving Imagination. Hove, East Sussex: Routledge.
Cohen, A. (2004). A Process-Oriented Approach to Learning Process-Oriented Counselling Skills in Groups, 38, 152–164.
Cohen, A. (2009). Gateway to the Dao-field: Essays for the awakening educator. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press.
Collett, D. (2007). Coming together: power, rank and intercultural interaction. Developing inclusive approaches in higher education. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 7(5), 17–25. Retrieved from
Collins, M. (1998). Occupational Therapy and Spirituality: Reflecting on Quality of Experience in Therapeutic Interventions. The British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 61(6), 280–284.
Collins, M. (2001). Who Is Occupied ? Consciousness, Self Awareness and the Process of Human Adaptation. Journal of Occupational Science, 8(1), 25–32. doi:
Collins, M. (2004). Dreaming and Occupation. The British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67(2), 96–98.
Collins, M. (2008a). Politics and the Numinous: Evolution , Spiritual Emergency , and the Re-emergence of Transpersonal Consciousness. Psychotherapy & Politics International, 6(3), 198–211. doi:10.1002/ppi
Collins, M. (2008b). Transpersonal identity and human occupation. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(12), 549–552.
Collins, M. (2010). Spiritual Intelligence: Evolving Transpersonal Potential Toward Ecological Actualization For a Sustainable Future. World Futures: The Journal of Global Education, 66(5), 320–334.
Collins, M. (2011). The Akashic Field and Archetypal Occupations: Transforming Human Potential Through Doing and Being. World Futures: The Journal of Global Education, 67(7), 453–479. doi:10.1080/02604027.2011.563190
Collins, M. (2013). Asklepian dreaming and the spirit of transformational healing: linking the placebo response to therapeutic uses of self. Journal of Religion and Health, 52(1), 32–45. doi:10.1007/s10943-012-9614-9
Collins, M., & Wells, H. (2006). The politics of consciousness : illness or individuation? Psychotherapy and Politics International, 4(2), 131–141. doi:10.1002/ppi
Conference focuses on conflict resolution. (2004, February 20). Corvallis Gazette-Times. Corvallis, Oregon.
Conference looks at global conflict. (2004, March 1). Corvallis Gazette-Times (OR). Corvallis.
Daniels, B. (2010). Developing inclusive policy and practice in diverse contexts: A South African experience. School Psychology International, 31(6), 631–643. doi:10.1177/0143034310386536
De Graaf, J. (2000). Astrologie & therapie : wegen tot verandering en groei : intutieve astrologie en de koppeling aan Gestalt, Jungiaanse analyse, process oriented psychology, NLP, chakra psychologie en bio-energetica. Bodegraven: Inspiratie.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). (2013). Leading cooperation partners from around the world. Retrieved August 28, 2013, from
Dibdin, T. (1999, April 22). It’s surreal thing.. the coma company. Evening News, p. News: p34. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Donovan, P. (2011). “I think we should take this offline . . .”: conversational patterns that undermine effective decision making in action learning sets. Action Learning: Research and Practice, 8(2), 103–115. doi:10.1080/14767333.2011.581019
Donovan, P. (2013). Beyond Undiscussables? Why surfacing undiscussables in working groups is more important than ever. In Proceedings of the 6th International Colloquium of Business and Management, Thailand 2013 (pp. 1–16). International Colloquium on Business & Management 2007-2013. doi:978-0-9864590-4-9
Donovan, P. (2014). Leaders Behaving Badly: using power to generate undiscussables in Action Learning sets. Action Learning: Research & Practice, 11(2).
Elbaz-Luwisch, F. (2010). Writing and professional learning: the uses of autobiography in graduate studies in education. Teachers and Teaching, 16(3), 307–327. doi:10.1080/13540601003634404
Elsner, T. (2010). Animals and Analysis: The Grimm’s Tale “The Three Languages.” Psychological Perspectives: A Quarterly Journal of Jungian Thought, 53(3), 313–334. doi:10.1080/00332925.2010.501220
Emslie, G. (2013). The Braided Way : Deep democracy and Empowerment Design Tools for Sustainability. In Graham S. Meltzer (Ed.), Communal pathways to sustainable living: Proceedings of the 11th conference of the International Communal Studies Association (ICSA), 26-28 June (pp. 454–462). Findhorn Foundation and Community, Scotland: The Findhorn Foundation. Retrieved from
Escorihuela, J. L. (2005). Entrevista con Arnold Mindell. Trabajando el conflicto. EcoHabitar, (6). Retrieved from
Fenwick, S. (n.d.). Deep Ecology , Deep Democracy & Deep Listening : A Compassionate Response to Disaster.
Fischer, C. T., & Adams, W. W. (2007). Alternative paths of awareness: For some of those so inclined. PsycCRITIQUES, 52(34), No Pagination Specified. doi:10.1037/a0009200
Fisher, R. M. (2000). Towards an Integrative Literature Search: Reflections of a “Wild” Adult Learner. The Reference Librarian, 33(69-70), 407–417. doi:10.1300/J120v33n69_35
Five-day conflict-resolution seminar planned. (1988, July 4). Gazette, The (Colorado Springs, CO), p. 5.
Flintoff, J.-P. (1999, April 18). What happens when people fall into a coma? Scotland on Sunday, p. News: p6.
Frank, T. (1997). Why Johnny can’t dissent. In T. Frank & M. Weiland (Eds.), Commodify your dissent: Salvos from the Baffler (pp. 31–45). New York and London: W.W. Norton & Company.
Freed, J. (2008, November 4). Why get out the vote today? News & Politics Examiner (USA), p. Political Issues Examiner.
Fridjhon, M. (2013). Parallel Process: The Expression of an Intelligent Universe (October 3). Wave: the blog for practitioners of relationship intelligence. Retrieved October 04, 2013, from
Fukao, A., Fujimi, Y., Okayama, S., Ushiroyama, T., Nakai, Y., & Hanaf’usa, T. (2007). The Case of Female Patient with Major Depression and Eating Disorder Treated Successfully by Process Oriented Psychology. In T. Tamada & H. Honjo (Eds.), Proceedings of The XV International Congress of the International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology. Kyoto, Japan: Medimond. doi:Volume ISBN 978-88-7587-340-0
Gardner, L. (1999, May 4). Arts: Beautiful dreamers: It’s hard to imagine a less promising subject for a play than a coma. But if anyone can make it work, it’s Improbable Theatre. The Guardian, p. News: p13. London.
Garfinkel, J. (2010, October 11). Portrait of the artist as a Jung man. The Globe and Mail. Toronto. Retrieved from (2013). Process Oriented Psychology. Helping People Find Therapists & Advocating for Ethical Therapy. Retrieved July 26, 2013, from
Gordhamer, S. (1995). Meetings with mentors : a young adult interviews leading visionaries. Santa Cruz, Calif.: Hanford Mead Publishers.
Grof, S. (2010). The Consciousness Revolution. In V. V. Kozlov, V. V. Maykov, & V. F. Petrenko (Eds.), Consciousness Revolution: Transpersonal Discoveries That Are Changing the World. Materials of the17th International Transpersonal Conference. Moscow, 23-27 July 2010. (pp. 100–103). Moscow: Presidium of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences. Retrieved from
Gurský, T. (1995). Process-oriented psychology – new direction in psychological work. Detská Psychológia a Patopsychológia (Child Psychology and Patopsychology), 30(1), 135–137.
Hall, D. (2013). Religion and psychology in the age of emotional capitalism: The case of the Master Academy of Love. Social Compass, 60(2), 174–188. doi:10.1177/0037768613481710
Halm, K. (2010). Focusing and Dreams Classes – course description.
Handshin, M. (2001, October 16). Together we can change the world. The Advertiser (Adelaide), p. Features, p18. Adelaide.
Hartley, L. (2004). Somatic psychology: body, mind, and meaning. London; Philadelphia: Whurr.
Haw, P. (2008, July 28). Appreciate and honour greybeards’ wisdom. Business Day. Johannesburg, South Africa.
Hayes, J. (2008). Book Reviews: Somatic psychology, body, mind and meaning by Linda Hartley. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, 3(2), 133–136. doi:10.1080/17432970802080222
Henderson, R. S. (2005). We Must All Breathe: an Interview with Arnold Mindell, Ph.D., at 61. Quadrant, XXXV(2). Retrieved from
Hendricks, J. J. (n.d.). Discourse And Process Theories: Seyla Benhabib and Arnold Mindell. Retrieved from
Heretik, A. (1993). Worldwork seminar process-oriented psychology. Konfrontace, 4(1), 12–18. Retrieved from
Heretik, A., & Andrášiová, M. (n.d.). Work with dreams in process-oriented therapy. Česká a Slovenská Psychiatria (Czech and Slovak Psychiatry), 92(5), 293–297.
Heretik, A., & Šimkovič, M. (1993). Theoretical basis of Process oriented psychotherapy (POP). Česká a Slovenská Psychiatria (Czech and Slovak Psychiatry), 89(5), 300–305.
Heretik Jr., A., & Sopko, B. (1999). Metacommunicator in process oriented psychotherapy. Konfrontace, 10(4), 38–43.
Heuer, G. (2005). “In my flesh I will see god”: Jungian body psychotherapy. In N. Totton (Ed.), New Dimensions in Body Psychotherapy ISBN: 0335215920 (pp. 102–144). London: Open University Press/McGraw-Hill.
Hohler, U. (1989). Arnold Mindells proze–Sorientierte Arbeit mit Gruppen. Gruppendynamik, 20(4), 369–380.
Holl, S. (1999). Coma A Healing Journey by Amy Mindell (Book review). ForeWord Review. Retrieved from
Hollwey, S., & Brierley, J. (2014). The Inner Camino: A Path of Awakening. Findhorn Press.
Horin, A. (2006, April 26). Peace workers refused visas despite assurances. Sydney Morning Herald, The (Australia), p. 3.
Inside coma; a new view of awareness, healing, and hope (Book review). (2010). SciTech Book News, (December).
Interview with Dr. Max Schupbach. (2013, June). Segodnya [Ukrainian Daily National Newspaper]. Retrieved from
Interview with Max Schupbach: Deep Democracy as an Overarching Approach [Russian]. (2011, April). Business Newspaper. Retrieved from
Interview with Max Schupbach: In a Source of Business River. [Russian]. (2011, February). Dorogoi Magazine. Retrieved from
Interview with Max Schupbach: Three-Dimensional Democracy [Russian]. (2011, January). Svoi Business Magazine. Retrieved from
Jeleník, A. (2007). Possibilities of communication with people in coma and deep altered state of consciousness. Paidagogos, (1). Retrieved from
Jelenik, A., & Kašáková, J. (2010). Process oriented psychotherapy. In J. Vybíral, Z., Roubal (Ed.), Současná psychoterapie (Current psychotherapy) (pp. 354 – 358). Portál, Praha.
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Judah, H. (1999, May 21). Dead and alive; Arts. The Times, p. News: p40. London.
Kate Sutherland. (2012). Process oriented psychology. In Make Light Work in Groups: 10 Tools to Transform Meetings, Companies and Communities. Incite Press. Retrieved from
Kelly, B. (2011, August 6). Congress needs an intervention. Bluffton Today, p. 11A. Bluffton, South Carolina.
Kennedy, D. (2002). From Individual to World Work: An Interview with Amy and Arny Mindell. The Group Circle, (February/March). Retrieved from
Kipp, J. (2000, October 6). Process of elimination: Measure 9 forum brings people together but drives some away. Just Out. Portland, OR.
Kuhn, J. L. (2001). Toward an Ecological Humanistic Psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 41(2), 9–24. doi:10.1177/0022167801412003
Kuriansky, J. (Ed.). (2006). Terror in the Holy Land: Inside the anguish of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Publishing Group.
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Levine, C. (2004). Book Review: Three Recent Books by Arnold Mindell: Dreammaker’s Apprentice, Deep Democracy of Open Forums and Quantum Mind and Healing. Anchor Point, 1–4. Retrieved from
Leviton, R. (1992). Reconcilable differences. Yoga Journal, (September/October), 1–7.
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Mindell, Amy. (1995). Moving the dreambody. Contact Quarterly, 20(1), 56–62.
Mindell, Amy. (1996). Discovering the World in the Individual: the World Channel in Psychotherapy. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 36(3), 67–84. doi:10.1177/00221678960363005
Mindell, Amy. (2008). Bringing deep democracy to life: an awareness paradigm for deepening political dialogue, personal relationships, and community interactions. Psychotherapy and Politics International, 6(3), 212–225. doi:10.1002/ppi
Mindell, A., & Mindell, A. (2003). Short recipe for resolving conflict crises. Psychotherapy and Politics International, 1(1), 64–68. doi:10.1002/ppi.52
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Nagata, A. L. (1998). Being global: life at the interface. Human Resource Development International, 1(2), 143–145.
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O’Connell, M., & Airey, R. (2007). Signs & symbols: what they mean and how we use them. London: Southwater.
O’Neill, M. (2014). Merging Practices: Process-Oriented Thinking and Practice as Applied to Art Therapy. Masters Thesis. Crawford College of Art & Design. Merging Practices
Ondrisová, S. (2013). In the world of turtles. Morlor: Disturbing things finally bring enrichment as well. NotaBene, 147.
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Ondrisová. S., Menkynová, S. (1999). Stalking an inner critic. Konfrontace, 10(4), 38–43.
Ondrisová, S., & Menkynová, S. (1999). Inner Criticism from the Process Oriented Psychotherapy Point of View. In Česko-slovenská psychoterapeutická konferencia (Czech-slovak psychotherapy conference). Luhačovice, CZ. Retrieved from
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