IAPOP Training Council & Diploma Level Training Schools
IAPOP Training Council provides a collaborative international representation of all Process Work Diploma Trainings. The Council is a platform for Process Work training program representatives to develop and update the training environment, share resources, and engage in professional development to leverage graduate competence.
Graduates of Process Work schools have an in-depth working understanding of the paradigm and embody practitioner skills in a range of applications: clinical and therapeutic work, health, facilitation, organisational development and community building, conflict resolution, the arts, politics and education, in diverse professional and sociological contexts.
IAPOP Training Council’s facilitation role with Process Work programs
IAPOP Training Council
- Representatives from all Process Work schools with Diploma Level Training
- International co-operation between Training Schools
- Collaborative exchange and support between Process Wok Schools on topic of mutual interest and concern
- Development of Process Work Curriculum & Competencies for Diploma in diverse cultural and sociological contexts
- Shared development in infrastructure, innovation, resources, teaching quality & competencies expected for Process work Diploma graduates (diplomates)
Diploma Level Training Schools
- At least 3 Diplomates with required level of proficiency (see IAPOP Levels of Proficiency )are responsible for the management, curriculum, teaching and examination/evaluation of skills/competencies of students.
- Uphold the standards of the “diploma” & ethical guidelines.
- Affiliated and in relationship to the broader Process Work international community
- External senior Process Work trainer has an elder/ mentor/supervisor/ethics coach (see IAPOP Council_Role of External Mentor_Elder final)
- Training Center representative participates as a member of the IAPOP Training Council
- See Best Practice for Diploma of Process Oriented Psychology Programs and Establishing New Diploma Programs (PDF download).
- Diploma Level Training Shools are committed to developing the professional core PW competencies (see CORE PW COMPETENCIES)
- International Process Work community building and collaborations
- Recognition of Process Work Training Schools
- Collegial networking and partnerships
- Professional body for IAPOP members
- Social media hub for Process Work activities
- Worldwork international training events
- Worldwork, Deep Democracy and Process Work research: Research Fests, Journal, Dissertations etc
- IAPOP Conferences and Symposia
Training Council is a platform for:
- co-learning and collaboration between Diploma Program schools
- continuity and adherence to framework established for new Diploma Training Schools Best Practice for Diploma of Process Oriented Psychology Programs and Establishing New Diploma Programs (PDF)
- development of shared curriculum across Diploma level trainings
- support for topics of shared interest in evolving learning pathways in diverse cultures and regions
- keeping our focus on learning and students
Training Council coordinators:
- Provide leadership and facilitation for Training Council purpose and strategy
- Co-ordinate meetings and continuity of priorities arising from meetings
- Serve as a bridge between IAPOP Board and the Training Council
- Provide a focal point for new schools to apply for IAPOP affiliation See Best Practice for Diploma of Process Oriented Psychology Programs and Establishing New Diploma Programs (PDF)
Stanya Studentova and Julia Wolfson
Contact: admin@iapop.com
Thank you!