Dissertations & Theses

These manuscripts have been authored by IAPOP members around the world. They include Diploma final projects, Masters and Doctoral theses.

Manuscripts are provided for your personal use only and should not be distributed. Please respect copyright laws and the author’s work.

Working with MovementAmy Mindell1986
Heroin Addiction. From a Process-Oriented Psychological ViewpointDebbie Van Felter1987
Group Process WorkJan Dworkin1989
The Gates of Society: Process Oriented Psychology on a Psychiatric Ward Arlene Audergon1990
Jung, Taoism, the Sound of a Saxophone and I. Musings on process-oriented inner work and the philosophical foundations of ProcessworkReini Hauser1990
Stalking your Inner CriticSonja Straub1990
Unintentional MusicLane Arye1991
The Individual as a Channel of Group ProcessClare Nance1991
Beyond Compare: A Personal Reflection on Process Oriented Approaches with Emotionally Disturbed ChildrenLeslie Heizer1992
Patterns of CommunicationJulie Diamond1992
A Process Oriented Approach to Developing a Mental Health Service Organization: An Experiential StudySalome Schwarz1993
Stories of our Lives: Living with Life Threatening IllnessRenata Ackerman1994
Conflict: Gateway to CommunityGemma Summers1994
Listen or Die: The Terrorist as a RoleAlexandra Vassiliou1995
The Constant Itch to Self Development: A Personal Journey with Atopic DermatitisSilvia Camastral1995
Shifting the Assemblage Point: Transformation in Therapy and Everyday LifeSalome Schwarz1996
Beyond Guilt and Innocence: Towards a Process Oriented CriminologyJytte Vikkelsoe1996
Process Work and AikidoLena Aslanidou1997
Fat as an AllyMichal Wertheimer Shimoni1997
On the Path to a Black Tongue: A Greek Woman’s View of Sexism. For the pdf file please email lvassiliou@gmail.com Lily Vassiliou1999
Process Oriented Psychology and Devotion in Tibetan BuddishmSherry Marshall1999
Introduction: Process-Oriented DialogueIngrid Rose2000
Deep Democracy A Learning JourneyMartha Sanbower2000
Process Work Contributions to Men and PowerStephen Schuitevoerder2000
Believing in Dreaming: Concepts for a New Educational SystemPeter Irving2000
Racism in TrinidadCharlene Agostini2000
Altered States of Consciousness as Adjunct in the Treatment of Addiction. Effectiveness of a single process-oriented interventionReinhard Hauser2001
Putting a Lion in Your HeartShushann Movessian2002
Process Work and Japanese Buddhism: A Pilgrimage of CompletionTakeo Kiriyama2002
Inherited Memory: A Comparison of How World War II Influences the Japanese Post War GenerationAyako Fujisaki2003
Rank and Marginality: A Multidimensional ApproachLee Spark Jones2003
Kinship with Animals: Unlearning SpeciesismLee Spark Jones2004
The Gold at the End of the Rainbow: A Therapist’s Spiritual ExperienceEllen Schupbach2004
History of Movement TherapiesPatricia Woodal2004
Riding the Sentient Wave: A discourse on the challenges and benefits of intuition in therapeutic work and everyday lifeGerald Maclaurin2005
Unraveling the Agony of Paradox: A Study of A Process of Awareness
Joy Brown2006
Process Work and the Facilitation of ConflictStanford Siver2006
Discovering Meaning in Panic: A Process-oriented Approach to Panic AttacksLily Vasiliou2006
Coming Together – Diversity JournalDiana Collett2007
The Creative Clash of ParadigmsIona Fredenburgh2007
Bridges, Borders, and the Dance: A Cooperative Inquiry Study of Multiple Role Relationships within the Process Work Community of Portland, Oregon Katje Wagner2007
AND THEN WHAT HAPPENED? Sudha’s Song and Other StoriesKalpana Tanwar2007
What is Organisational Development from a Process Work Perspective?Heike Hamann2007
Sourcing the Flow: Painting, Movement, the Intentional Field and Co-CreationKasha Kavanaugh2007
The Process of History-Making Conflicts: Subjectively Revisiting Three Historical Conflicts in Process Work TermsNancy Papathanasiou2007
No Small Change: Process-Oriented Play Therapy For Children of Separating ParentsSilvia Camastral2008
Beautiful True Nature Processmind Practices for Earthlings on the JourneyJudy Chambers2008
An Exploration of Myth and the Tools to Elicit Mythic PotentialAnne Murphy2008
Developing Awareness of Group Process Inside a Group That Resists Learning About ItselfDoug Hales2008
Dancing Through a Field of Binging and Starving_Disruptive Eating as SustenanceAnnie Blair2009
The Missing Facilitator: An Exploration of the Concept of the Participant-Facilitator in Process WorkBarbara Burkhardt2009
Easter Eggs from the MallardMidori Hirai2009
Seven Steps to Dealing with Fear in Paragliding: Making Process Work Accessible to the Sporting PublicHeike Haman2009
Moving in the Interstices: Cultivating Fluidity in the Participant Facilitators RoleSusan J. Newton2009
Stepping In, Stepping Out: Process Work Application of Pre-Birth Stories used as Life MythLone Norgaard2009
It’s All About You: Inner Adventure for AnyoneElva Wolf Redwood2009
Shooting Ourselves in the Head? A Qualitative Exploration of Conflicts with Leaders in Groups Experiencing MarginalizationTim Spalding2009
Measuring the effectiveness of therapy sessions conducted by Process Work PractitionersKamisia Anna Staszewska2009
Dreamfigures BallMatthew Stella2009
Building a Global Family: An organisational case study focusing on the myth of the leader and the organisationVicki Henricks2011
Deep Democracy in the Australian Context – a personal journey with ancestryNicole Kinnaird2012
Burning Cat out of the Rabbit Hutch (A Heuristic Study of the Process of Individuation)Boris Sopko2012
Growing, Dying and Relating: Exploring the Concept and Experience of ‘the Edge’Hellene Gronda2013
Snakes and Ladders: Emergence of Deep Power in Transformational ChangeJulia Wolfson PhD2013
Less is More, More or Less. The Goddess of Wisdom Speaks: An examination of Intellectual Inferiority Complex in a Few Women of Polish Jewish AncestryCathy Bernatt2014
The Braided Way: Deep Democracy and CommunityGill Emslie2014
Victims, Victimizers, and Rescuers: The Double Edge to Power and VulnerabilitySofia Ilia2014
Deep Democracy in Action: The Elder Role in Leadership DevelopmentVioletta Ilkiw2014
Out of the Matrix: A personal narrative of transformation through the quest to discover meaning in a chronic body symptomLiz Scott2014
The Elderful Leader: Developing Rank Capabilities for Effective LeadershipVanessa Toy2014
Empowerment through connecting to self, the other, and the world: an educational project reviewing an empowerment workshopSine Anderson2014
Encounters in the War Zone: Dreaming Beyond HopelessYeşim Özben2014
Philosophical-Religious, Psychological, Psychophysical Backgrounds of Processwork. Methodological Materials to The Training CourseElena Nikolaeva, Aleksandr Nikolaev2014
Pointing at the Moon: Exploring the question, What is Psychological Freedom?
Please contact the author to view.
Liz Scarfe2015
The Quantum Leap: From Hell to HeavenRachel Maori2015
The Tin Elephant: Inner Explorations of Personal PowerReet Nemoja2015
The Wonders of the Sea: A study of the unconventional wisdom of Alzheimer’s through journeys with my motherLouise Warner2015
Auto/biography, Pedagogy and ProcessFreema Elbaz Luwisch2015
An Unusual Guide to Therapy for Extraordinary People: Creating an illustrated booklet based on clients’ therapy experiencesAnne Murphy2016
“ET phone HOME”, Reconnecting to Inner Life Force – exploring experiences of trauma and alienation and witnessing their relationship to personal/cultural/world historyKaterina Sideri2016
The Dreaming Power of an Interconnected World: A Mixed-Methods Study of the Effects of Group Process On the Quantum FieldHelene Ramos2017
Applying Deep Democracy in Human Services: Diversity, Inclusion and Innate Powers
(this project is a published book that can be purchased here)
Julia Wolfson PhD2017
Dreamaker.io Video Analysis Made Simple
(app website here)
Paola Vidulich2018
Between fixed and fluid: exploring sexual identitiesJoanna Boj2018
Discovering Myself Through Body Symptom Work, Dream Work and Inner Work in Process Oriented PsychologyElena Antonova2018
Entangled: Interdependence between Personal and Community DevelopmentYuliya Filippovska2018
Bullying and Word Circles – an approach from the perspective of Process WorkMireia Parera Puigdomènech2018
Building a Relationship with Death: Exploring our own death and dying experiences in order to make it our allyDagmara Jurikovicova2018
Worldwork in the TheatreElena Margo2019
Praca na poziomie esencji w psychologii procesuWojtek Pierga2019
On the Way Back Home to My True Self: A Users GuideMagdalena Schatzmann2019
My Pilgrimage Towards PleasureEva Sánchez Díaz2019
Where One Cannot Speak, There, One Can DanceZuzana Vasičáková Očenášová2019
About Men, and the Relationships between Men, Power and ViolenceSergi Barrientos2019
The Power of Maternity (English),
El Poder de la Maternidad (Spanish)
Núria Danés Darnell2019
A Manual for Teachers, the Art of Learning to Treat Each Other Well (English),
Manual para Profesorado, el Arte de Aprender a Tratarse Bien (Spanish)
Sara Carro Ibarra2019
My Journey to the Processmind as a Human Being and as a Facilitator (English),
Mi Viaje a la Mente Universal como ser Humano y como Facilitadora (Spanish)
Bàrbara Rabinad Coll2019
Crikey! Check out that Self Doubt Complex: a personal adventure in search of self-beliefBeck Ronkson2019
Befriending a life myth through fairy story and unfoldingRebecca Lang2019
From Teacher to Process Work Experiential Facilitator in a Conscious Dance PracticeSarena Wolfaard2020
Talking back to my Inner Critic: The challenges of being a Process Oriented Therapist in a world where Empirically Supported Paradigms ruleRikki Bandekow2020
The Little Big Things of One Single DaySimone Brecht2020
Dreaming Path – Doing Important Things While the World SleepsLisa Foale2020
Scheitern auf dem Weg zum eigenen Selbst (German),
The Wonderful Art of Failure on the Way to One’s Own Self (English abstract)
Barbara Leuner Corpina2020
Processwork and Family Constellations: Rivers of the same waters? A Comparative view (English),
Trabajo de Procesosy Constelaciones Familiares: ¿Ríos con aguas compartidas? Mirada Comparativa (Spanish)
Blanca Fariña Pagès2020
Das Projekt Extrawurst oder wie kommt Neues in die Welt? (German)Andrea Fink-Keßler2021
In Dialogue with Unheard Voices: Storytelling – Process OrientedSteph Kata Bachmair2021
Peace, conflict and politics from the soilEmmanuel Karisa Baya2021
Relationship as the Teacher – my path of finding the “right way” in relationship work, and accompanying Contextual Interview (both videos)Serge Riabchuk2021
Do I make sense? A creative process of healing stories, long pains and journeys of understanding the self (contextual essay to accompany a video performance)
To view the performance, email anna.apapa@gmail.com
Anna Apostolelli2022
Art of myself – Creating deeper engagement with the self through artDafni Asimakopoulou-Kouloulia2022
A River Isn’t but a Mess with a High Dream
This dissertation includes three videos that can be viewed by contacting the author at mrpsarraki@gmail.com
Maria Psarraki2022
Secrets Behind Growth: Symbolic death and rebirth in crises: Exploring an orphanage’s individual, relationship, and organizational processesHiroshi Fujihira2023
When beauty awakens: Meeting fairytale characters as a tool of understanding self –  Creative Project (handcrafted book) & Contextual EssayVicky Koumpou2023
Deepening in the Gifts of Romantic Relationships, educative manual on intimate relationships and accompanying essayEirini Dakou2023
Whiteness: my journey towards awareness of my whitenessHelen Stone2023
Who is Jennie? The rock that shaped me: How my different identities interacted in a group processJennifer Mwikali2023
Cook As You Are – burn your wood and enjoy some food too! – Facilitate the flavours of lifeSara Huang2023
Toward a Process-Oriented Theater Practice: Holding theater practitioners and the creative processMaria Olga Athinaiou2023
Becoming the Python: A dreamer’s talethe snake Desmond Smith Mboya2023
Out from working serfdom to a life – a historical and modern day accountMarina Zavolovskaya2023
Me, the World and My Process of Coming Out and Creating My Own Uncharted Way of LifeEverlyne Daisy Nduku2023
Detachment, Space and I – a small treatiseLynn Chalobon Chatchaiwong2024
Exploration of Joy in Ukraine at WarMaria Azova2024
Finding Self in AdversityHusna Hamisi Said2024
Soul Journey: Mapping territory, navigating borders & negotiating consent – Working with pre-birth, preverbal trauma and ProcessworkEl Davis2024
Organising Process Oriented Psychology Training as the Leader’s 2nd TrainingYulia Pritchina2024
Nothing helps me… Nothing changes…: Process-oriented psychology in work with hopelessness and powerlessnessLidia Smal2024
What do I do with my Privileges (?) – Processing internalized supremacism from a privileged social intersectionDiego López López2024