Research Fests 2024

#5 December 6, 2024


El Davis UK: Soul Journey: Mapping territory, navigating borders & negotiating consent. Working with pre-birth, preverbal trauma and Processwork

Sergey Baev, Russia: A personal journey of family relationship through a process-oriented lens.

Julia Wolfson, Australia: Snakes and Ladders: Snakes and Ladders: Emergence of deep power in transformational change. Doctoral research.

# 4 September 20, 2024


Maria Olga Athinaiou: Toward a Process-Oriented Theater Practice.

Yulia Fillipovska, Ukraine now Geneva: Doing the Impossible: Dealing with False Beliefs. Doctoral research.

# 3 May 28, 2024


Valerij Grishchuk, Ukraine now Germany: “The concept of Processwork in Slavik culture”. 

Anastasia Leukhina, Ukraine now Germany:  “The non-scary book about Life death and Everything in-between: helping doctors to switch sides and see the impact of behaviour on patients” and a humanising research-based training for doctors adopted by the Ministry of Health, Ukraine. 

Jennifer Mwikali Kenya 2023: “Who is Jennie? The rock that shaped me: How my different identities interacted in a group process”.

#2 May 24, 2024


Desmond Mboya (Smith) Kenya 2023: “Becoming the python: A dreamer’s tale by the snake”

Joanna Caffo, Poland/Germany: Trapped outside time and space: Communication with people suffering from Alzheimers disease using the tools of Process oriented Psychology”. 

Everlyne Daisy Nduku, Kenya 2023: “Me, the world and my process of coming out and creating my own unchartered way of life”. 

Maria Abyzova, Ukraine 2024: “Exploration of joy in Ukraine at war”. 

#1 February 17, 2024


Sara Huang, Netherlands 2023: “Cook as you are: burn your wood and enjoy some food too! Facilitate the flavours of life”.

Helen Stone, UK 2023: “Whiteness: My journey towards awareness of my whiteness”